Nexus Analysis as an Approach to Navigate Change


  • Mackenzie Bristow Emory University



Spring 2020 ushered a new set of educational challenges for English language program administrators (ELPAs) ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic to social and racial injustices experienced by staff, faculty, and learners. Recognizing the lack of materials to support ELPA professional development, this article introduces the theoretical and methodological approach of Nexus Analysis as a possible approach for administrators when navigating complex educational ecosystems. Along with a review of literature that describes the role of ELPAs and their associated duties, this article positions the actions of language program administration, which range from policy creation to ordering supplies, as mediated by outside factors on the societal, community, and individual scale. Following this, the Nexus Analysis methodological approach of engagement, navigation, and change is reviewed and generalized to educational settings. To conclude, past research studies that have used Nexus Analysis are reviewed with the aim to connect with familiar ELPA management scenarios and practical considerations unique to our current time in history.

Keywords: English language program management, English language program administrators, Nexus Analysis

Author Biography

  • Mackenzie Bristow, Emory University

    Dr. Mackenzie Bristow is the Director of English Language Support Programs and Global Engagement at Emory University, Atlanta, GA; email [email protected].

Nexus Analysis to Navigate Change (Bristow 2020)






Empirical Research or Literature Reviews

How to Cite

Nexus Analysis as an Approach to Navigate Change. (2020). GATESOL Journal, 30(1), 3–15.