Integrating Technology into Genre-based Writing Instruction for Multilingual Learners




L2 writing, writing skills, genre-based writing instruction, technology


Although L2 writing is an essential element in multilingual learners’ language and literacy development in K–12 schools, it is often underemphasized and overlooked in lieu of the greater emphasis placed on reading. This lack of focus warrants the need for more specific writing instruction in K–12 schooling, especially since it is through the development of writing skills that learners become better able to communicate and interact with others, achieve academic success and career advancement, and have access to increased opportunities within and outside of instructional settings. The achievement of these goals can be facilitated through the support of educators and the implementation of a genre-based pedagogy. In this article, we discuss how technology can be integrated into genre-based writing instruction, highlighting how different tools can be used at various points in time in both face-to-face and online environments. We also provide examples of tools that can facilitate the implementation of this writing pedagogy, based on research in elementary, secondary, and tertiary classrooms.

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Technology into Genre-based Writing (Vicentini et al., 2022)






Pedagogical Practices, Programs, Policy, and Perspectives

How to Cite

Integrating Technology into Genre-based Writing Instruction for Multilingual Learners. (2022). GATESOL Journal, 32(2), 27–42.